Monday, June 26, 2006

Samsung BD-P1000 Blu-ray Review

AV Revolution is the first to thoroughly review Samsung BD-P1000 Blu-Ray player. Here is the scoop of things reviewers felt and discovered:
  • Faster than both Toshiba HD-DVD players but still is slow compared to all other DVD players.
  • 1080p output but reviewer brings up a good point that most people do not have displays that can handle it even if the native resolution is 1080p.
  • No RS232 port - this is a wonder to me as well. RS232 or serial port is defacto standard for controlling electronics equipment for which you have paid more than $500 dollars. From savings point of view there is not much to save in not having a RS-232 connector. I bet the controller inside the player does have a UART port ( that's the same as RS232 ). Matter of cents on this scale of production. As reviewer said - shame on Samsung.
  • Box feels flimsy - the millennium of cheap shiny plastic products. That's what I can say. Saving more money.
  • Not many video titles are released in comparison with HD-DVDs. I'd say give it some time and it will be there. Not a big deal. The big deal is that we will always have movies that are on one format but not the other.
  • Reviewer thinks that BD-P1000, while not perfect, is far better that both models of Toshiba HD-DVD in terms of video quality.
My conclusion - I am waiting for the next generation so all the problems are ironed out. In addition, there are not too many movies. Blockbuster and Netflix have yet to build libraries and I'll wait for them to do so. Then only I will pull my trigger.

Also, there is a comparative review of BD-p1000 with Toshiba HD-A1 at The Man Room site. Check that out as well.

Posted by Mike at 5:01 PM

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